The Rotary Club Mount Martha in partnership with the Balcombe Grammar School have established a Rotary Interact Club. Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above. Through Interact, young people develop initiative, leadership skills, and lasting friendships. The Rotary club gains a service partner, as well as an opportunity to prepare its community's youth for future leadership. Founded by Rotary International in 1962, Interact stands for International Action.
Recently the team members were awarded their Rotary Interact Certificates by the Principal Geoff Roberts- Thompson. Interact badges were presented by Rotary Club member Peter Wiltshire, Director Youth Service. The ceremony was held during school assembly in the presence of 600 students and members of staff.
The first fundraising project by the Interact Club was a “sausage sizzle” outside of IGA Mount Martha. Funds raised will go to the Kookaburra Kids Foundation (Youth Mental Health).
The following reflection extracts were offered by Interactors in speeches to their peers regarding the Meaning of Interact.
Tin Tin Clinch - Interact President
"Balcombe Interact is a service oriented community of students. We are sponsored by the Mount Martha Rotary club and are part of the world wide Rotary Organization. Rotary Interact is a student service community in which young people can learn leadership skills, work in a team, develop initiative and give back to the community. Our goal is to make a difference and have fun in the process!"
James - Co-Treasurer
I joined Rotary Interact club because I wanted to do something that had an impact on the community and local charities. So far it has been such a great experience meeting people in the Balcombe senior school and students from other schools in our area. I have loved the Rotary Interact experience and I would highly recommend it to you all.
Eva - Secretary
So far within the short time rotary has been a thing within Balcombe Grammar, we have been able to accomplish many great outcomes. We had the great opportunity to meet with Frankston high school’s Rotarians and learnt much about how to improve our own group. We had the great opportunity to help out with a sausage sizzle outside of school down at Mount Martha IGA with Mount Martha Rotary, as well as organising a primary school sausage sizzle within the school along with a Lego guessing jar, all of which were a great success.
Lucy: Vice President
My name is Lucy, I am the Vice-President of our club. Together with the Balcombe Wellbeing Committee, we’re firing up the grill once again to support our chosen charity – Leukemia. For those of you know don’t know, the Leukemia Foundation is an Australian organization that provides support, advocacy, and funding for research related to blood cancers... Their mission is to help improve the quality of life for those affected by these conditions, offering services such as accommodation, transportation, education, and emotional support. Additionally, the Leukemia Foundation is committed to funding medical research to advance treatments and ultimately find cures for blood cancers. On the behalf of the Balcombe-Rotary INTERACT club, I invite all of you to join us in supporting the efforts of this wonderful charity